- Angular CLI
- functionalities / Installing Angular CLI
- installing / Installing Angular CLI
- default settings / Setting Defaults for Angular CLI, Configuring Global Defaults
- asset groups
- about / Asset and Data Groups
- reference / Asset and Data Groups
- configuring / Configuring the Asset and Data Groups
- builds, for browser and server apps
- testing / Testing the Builds of Both Apps
- Chrome Developer Tools
- about / Chrome Developer Tools to the Rescue
- client-side rendering
- about / Server-Side and Client-Side Rendering
- code splitting / Generate and Lazy Load the PostsModule
- components, types
- about / Types of Components
- presentational components / Presentational Components
- container components / Container Components
- container components
- about / Container Components
- folder structure / Folder Structure
- creating / Creating the Container Components, Creating PostsComponent and ProfileComponent, Adding Dummy Post and Profile Data
- data groups
- about / Asset and Data Groups
- dynamic metadata
- adding / Adding Dynamic Metadata, Creating the UiService, Adding Metadata to PostsComponent and ProfileComponent
- FooterComponent
- creating / Creating the FooterComponent, Updating the LayoutComponent to Reference Our New FooterComponent, Creating the Actual Footer
- global styles
- configuring / Configuring Global Styles
- styles, linking to / Linking to the Style Sheets in global styles.css, Adding global stylesstyles, linking toBootstrap and Font Awesome, Showing anglobal stylesstyles, linking to Icon on the Page
- HeaderComponent
- creating / Creating the HeaderComponent, Updating theHeaderComponentcreating LayoutComponent to Reference Our New HeaderComponent, Creating the Actual Header
- LayoutComponent
- creating / Creating the LayoutComponent, Adding a New Route
- layout, building / Building Our Layout
- map operator / Importing HttpClientModule in Our AppModule
- new application
- generating / Generating a New Application, Creating a New Application
- serving / Serving the Application
- viewing / Viewing Your Application
- npm scripts
- about / Adding Run Scripts to package.json
- adding, to package.json / Adding Run Scripts to package.json
- PostsModule
- creating / Generate and Lazy Load the PostsModule
- presentational components
- about / Presentational Components
- creating / Creating the Presentational Components, Creating the PostListComponent, Creating the PostItemComponent, Creating the ProfileItemComponent
- PostItemComponent / Creating the PostItemComponent
- progressive web app (PWA)
- about / What Is a Progressive Web App?
- dependencies, installing / Installing Dependencies
- public methods
- defining / Defining the Public Methods
- resolvers
- about / Creating Resolvers to Retrieve Data Using the Router
- creating, for retrieving data using router / Creating Resolvers to Retrieve Data Using the Router, Creating Resolvers, Importing Our Resolvers, Using the Data Resolved by the Router
- reference / Creating Resolvers to Retrieve Data Using the Router
- importing / Importing Our Resolvers
- rxjs library / Importing HttpClientModule in Our AppModule
- server-side rendering
- about / Server-Side and Client-Side Rendering
- server app
- generating / Generating the Server App, Making Our Apps Consistent
- dependencies, adding / Adding Dependencies for the Server App, Adding the Server App to Our Angular CLI Configuration
- dynamic metadata, adding / Adding Dynamic Metadata
- service, for retrieving data
- creating / Creating a Service to Retrieve Data, Storing Our API URL, Referencing Our New PostsService in Our Container Components, Defining the Public Methods, Importing HttpClientModule in Our AppModule
- service worker
- about / What Is a Service Worker?
- enabling / Enabling the Service Worker, Creating the service workerenablingService Worker Configuration
- configuring / Configuring the Service Worker
- asset groups configuration / Asset and Data Groups
- data groups configuration / Asset and Data Groups, Configuring the Asset and Data Groups
- testing / Testing the Service Worker
- data inspection / Checking Where the Data Comes from
- offline mode, enabling / Enabling Offline Mode, Inspecting the Behavior
- debugging / Debugging the Service Worker
- UiModule
- creating / Creating the UiModule
- importing / Importing Our UiModule
- current route, displaying / Displaying the Current Route
- UI modules
- creating / Creating UI Modules and Components
- UiService
- creating / Creating the UiService
- web server
- implementing / Implementing a Web Server, Creating the server.ts File, Starting the Server
- dependencies, installing / Installing Server Dependencies