Recommendations and best practices
Here are some key best practices and recommendations that you ought to keep in mind when working with Amazon S3:
Before creating your buckets, plan and choose a region that has closer proximity to your users. You may also want to consider any legal or regulatory compliance before selecting a particular region.
Leverage S3's versioning and lifecycle management for automatically archiving or cleaning up of your buckets and objects. This will help you save a lot on storage costs as well.
Employ server-side encryption for encrypting your data at rest. Although all objects and buckets in S3 are private by default, you can still enforce additional security by encrypting them using either AWSKMS or using S3 Managed Keys.
Design and use bucket policies for restricting delete operations on buckets. You can even enable Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for certain users who will be required to provide additional authentication to perform a change in an object's version...