Planning your next steps
Well, we covered a lot about Auto Scaling and ELB in this chapter; however, there are a few things that I would really recommend you try out next. First up, let's have a look at ELB! In this chapter, we have looked only at how to set up and configure a very basic HTTP-based ELB. However, in a real production scenario, this just doesn't cut it. That's where you need to deploy your ELB using HTTPS and SSL-like secure protocols. To know more about how you can create and leverage ELBs securely, refer to
With your ELB securely configured, there's one additional step that you can configure to enable easier access to your applications hosted on AWS. Route 53 is a highly scalable and available DNS service provided by AWS that can be leveraged to replace the long and complicated public DNS name of an ELB with something a bit more convenient and easier to remember, such as all...