Developing the SoC hardware microarchitecture
In the previous chapter, we defined the SoC architecture and left it to the implementation stage to choose the optimal solution that meets the specification of the low-latency ETS. We also left the exact details of the Electronic Trading Market Protocol (ETMP) to be defined here as close to the implementation stage as possible, just for practical reasons, since this protocol is really defined by the Electronic Trading Market (ETM) organization. We will define a simple protocol that uses UDP as its transport mechanism between the ETM network and the ETS. We have also not defined the exact details of the communication protocol between the software and the hardware PE for sending the requests to filter from the Cortex-A9, processing them by the hardware PE, and posting the results back from the hardware PE to the Cortex-A9. This protocol will be defined here by finding a fast exchange mechanism to be used by the microarchitecture proposal...