Analyzing surfaces
In this recipe, you will represent 3D surface data in a two-dimensional environment. To represent 3D surface data in the ArcMap 2D environment, you will use hillshades and contours. You can use the hillshade
raster as a background for other raster or vector data in ArcMap.
Using the surface analysis tools, you can derive new surface data, such as slope and aspect or locations visibility.
Getting ready
In the surface analysis context:
The term slope refers to the steepness of raster cells
Aspect defines the orientation or compass direction of a cell
Visibility identifies which raster cells are visible from a surface location
In this recipe, you will prepare your data for analysis by creating an elevation surface named Elevation
from vector data. The two feature classes involved are the PointElevation
point feature class and the ContourLine
polyline feature class. All other output raster datasets will derive from the Elevation
How to do it...
Follow these steps to prepare...