Architecture is better explained using diagrams, and as such, I suggest you familiarize yourself with at least one graphical editor. Being able to produce diagrams is a useful skill, and you need to start practicing. One diagramming tool that is open source and that I would recommend is Mermaid. It runs on the command line and produces diagrams using a simple textual interface.
The easiest way to use Mermaid on a Mac is by using the Mermaid Editor app from the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mermaideditor/id1581312955. This is a cheap app that is well worth its modest price.
You will find documentation about Mermaid and its syntax at https://mermaid.js.org/.
While you will often need to express your architectural thoughts through a diagram, developers sometimes frown upon using diagrams, thinking that using diagrams is not agile, and some would just prefer to use code. However, being able to use a picture instead of the proverbial one thousand words is typically...