Oracle Database 12c Security enhancements
Oracle Database 12c introduced a number of features and enhancements to further strengthen the in-depth security collateral. In this section, you will understand some of the key security enhancements and features in Oracle Database 12c. The following is a summary of the new security features:
Real Application Security(RAS): Oracle Database 12c introduces a data authorization solution to provide end-to-end security in a multitier application architecture. You can now declare and enforce the application-level security policies in the database kernel. The RAS security model understands the application-level security policy constructs, such as application users, privileges, and roles within the database, and enforces the security policies in the context of the application. As well as data access, RAS can help the applications to secure the access control operations of an application user.
Oracle Data Redaction: The Data Redaction feature masks the sensitive...