Couchbase has just released Couchbase Mobile 2.0. And the organization is pretty excited; it claims that it's going to revolutionize the way businesses process and handle edge analytics. In many ways, Couchbase Mobile 2.0 extends many of the features of the main Couchbase server to its mobile version. Ultimately, it demonstrates Couchbase responding to some of the core demands of business - minimizing the friction between cloud solutions and mobile devices at the edge of networks.
According to the Couchbase website, Couchbase Mobile 2.0 is being marketed as solving 3 key challenges:
The combination of these 3 is really the holy grail for many software solutions companies. It's an attempt to resolve that tension between the need for security and stability while remaining adaptable and responsive to change.
Learn more about Couchbase Mobile 2.0 here.
Ravi Mayuram, Senior VP of Engineering and CTO of Couchbase said said:
"With Couchbase Mobile 2.0, we are bringing some very exciting new capabilities to the edge that parallels what we have on Couchbase Server. For the first time, SQL queries and Full-Text Search are available on a NoSQL database running on the edge. Additionally, we’ve made programming much easier through thread and type safe database APIs, as well as automatic conflict resolution."
Here are some of the key features of the Couchbase Mobile 2.0:
This new release will help to cement Couchbase's position as a data platform. And with an impressive list of customers, including Wells Fargo, Tommy Hilfiger, eBay and DreamWorks, it will be interesting to see to what extent it can grow that list.
Source: Globe Newswire