The following procedure illustrates Push Notification Service (PNS) flow from establishing a channel to receiving a notification:
Visual Studio 2013 has a new wizard, which associates the app with the store in order to obtain a push notifications URI. Code is added to the app to interact with the service that will be updated to have a Channels table. This table has an Insert script to insert the channel and ping back a toast notification upon insert. The following procedure takes us through using the wizard to add a push channel to our app:
Attempting to install 'WindowsAzure.MobileServices' Successfully installed NuGet Package 'WindowsAzure.MobileServices' Successfully added 'push.register.cs' to the project Added field to the App class successfully Initialization code was added successfully Updated ToastCapable in the app manifest Client Secret and Package SID were updated successfully on the Windows Azure
Mobile Services portal The 'channels' table and 'insert.js' script file were created successfully Successfully updated application redirect domain Done
We will now see a few things have been done to our project and service:
Run the app and check that the URI is inserted into the table. You will get a toast notification. Once you've done this, remove the sendNotifications(item.channelUri); call and function from the Insert method. You can do this in Visual Studio via the Server Explorer console. I've modified the script further to make sure the item is always updated, so when we send push notifications, we can send them to URIs that have been recently updated so that we are targeting users who are actually using the application (channels actually expire after 30 days too, so it would be a waste of time trying to push to them). The following code details these modifications:
function insert(item, user, request) { var ct = tables.getTable("channels"); ct.where({ installationId: item.installationId }).read({ success: function (results) { if (results.length > 0) { // always update so we get the updated date var existingItem = results[0]; existingItem.channelUri = item.channelUri; ct.update(existingItem, { success: function () { request.respond(200, existingItem); } }); } else { // no matching installation, insert the record request.execute(); } } }) }
I've also modified the UploadChannel method in the app so that it uses a Channel model that has a Platform property. Therefore, we can now work out which PNS provider to use when we have multiple platforms using the service. The UploadChannel method also uses a new InsertChannel method in our DataService method (you can see the full code in the sample app). The following code details these modifications:
public async static void UploadChannel() { var channel = await Windows.Networking.PushNotifications.
CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync(); var token = Windows.System.Profile.HardwareIdentification.
GetPackageSpecificToken(null); string installationId = Windows.Security.Cryptography.
CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToBase64String(token.Id); try { var service = new DataService(); await service.InsertChannel(new Channel() { ChannelUri = channel.Uri, InstallationId = installationId, Platform = "win8" }); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } }
To implement wide or large square tiles, we need to create the necessary assets and define them in the Visual Assets tab of the Package.appxmanifest editor. This is shown in the following screenshot:
Windows Store apps support badge notifications as well as tile and toast. However, this requires a slightly different configuration. To implement badge notifications, we perform the following steps:
Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Phone doesn't have a fancy wizard like Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows Store. So, we need to configure the channel and register it with the service manually. The following procedure sets up the notifications in the app by using the table that we created in the preceding Setting up Windows Store apps section:
using Microsoft.Phone.Info; using Microsoft.Phone.Notification; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using TileTapper.DataServices; using TileTapper.Models; namespace TileTapper.Helpers { public class ChannelHelper { // Singleton instance public static readonly ChannelHelper Default = new ChannelHelper(); // Holds the push channel that is created or found private HttpNotificationChannel _pushChannel; // The name of our push channel private readonly string CHANNEL_NAME = "TileTapperPushChannel"; private ChannelHelper() { } public void SetupChannel() { try { // Try to find the push channel this._pushChannel = HttpNotificationChannel.Find(CHANNEL_NAME); // If the channel was not found, then create a new
// connection to the push service if (this._pushChannel == null ) { this._pushChannel = new HttpNotificationChannel(CHANNEL_NAME); this.AttachEvents(); this._pushChannel.Open(); // Bind channel for Tile events this._pushChannel.BindToShellTile(); // Bind channel for Toast events this._pushChannel.BindToShellToast(); } else this.AttachEvents(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } private void AttachEvents() { // Register for all the events before attempting to // open the channel this._pushChannel.ChannelUriUpdated + = async (s, e) => { // Register URI with service await this.Register(); }; this._pushChannel.ErrorOccurred += (s, e) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); }; } private async Task Register() { try { var service = new DataService(); await service.InsertChannel(new Channel() { ChannelUri = this._pushChannel.ChannelUri.AbsoluteUri, InstallationId = this.GetDeviceUniqueName(), Platform = "wp8" }); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } // Note: to get a result requires // ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE // to be added to the capabilities of the WMAppManifest // this will then warn users in marketplace private byte[] GetDeviceUniqueID() { byte[] result = null; object uniqueId; if (DeviceExtendedProperties.TryGetValue("DeviceUniqueId",
out uniqueId)) result = (byte[])uniqueId; return result; } private string GetDeviceUniqueName() { byte[] id = this.GetDeviceUniqueID(); string idEnc = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(id, 0, id.Length); string deviceID = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(idEnc); return deviceID; } } }
This is a singleton class that holds an instance of the HttpNotificationChannel object, so that channel URI changes can be captured and sent up to our service. The two methods at the end of the code snippet, GetDeviceUniqueID and GetDeviceUniqueName, will give a unique device identifier for the channels table.
private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e) { TileTapper.Helpers.ChannelHelper.Default.SetupChannel(); }