In this article, by Manoj Mahalingam S, author of the book, Learning Continuous Integration with TeamCity, we will learn about Continuous Integration (CI) and its basic practices. The idea is to be on the same page when we talk about CI in the rest of the book and implement various solutions using TeamCity as a CI server. This article will also provide a high-level introduction to TeamCity, its features, and how effective it is when compared to competitive products such as Jenkins and ThoughtWorks' Go.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Continuous Integration is the name given to processes and practices that are involved in regularly integrating the work of several developers into a shared mainline/repository.
My colleague Martin Fowler has written a popular article (http://martinfowler.com/articles/continuousIntegration.html) in which he defines CI as follows:
"A software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily, leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly."
There are some key practices that must be followed to have an effective CI:
CI brings a lot of value and benefits to the teams practicing it. Some of these include the following:
Continuous Delivery (CD) is the name given to the processes and practices through which applications are made available to be deployed into production at any time. CD is the natural extension to CI, which is more a developer team activity. CD is about making the built application ready to be deployed into production at any time. CD brings in the development team, the operations (ops) team, and the business together to ensure the application is released to production in a timely and appropriate way.
Continuous deployment is different from Continuous Delivery. The former is about deploying every build into production, while the latter is about making every build available to be deployed into production. The actual deployment depends on various business and ops factors, and hence not every build might end up being deployed into production. When we refer to CD in this book, we are talking about Continuous Delivery.
CI can be seen as a subset of CD. The point where CI ends and where the parts that were introduced from the following CD begin is not clearly defined, and they can vary from one setup to another. It can be generally defined that CI ends with getting out the artifacts needed to deploy the application, and CD adds in the ability to deploy them into production in a reliable manner.
A key part of CD is what's called the build pipeline, which is what we will discuss in the next section.
The idea of a build pipeline is to have your build process separated into various stages so that multiple builds can run at the same time. Each build can be in a different stage of the pipeline, thereby leading to a better throughput of builds.
A build pipeline helps to get fast feedback for the team. The first stage of the pipeline generally does the compilation to produce the binaries and runs the unit tests. The artifacts from this stage are passed on to the later stages. The first stage is expected to be very fast in order to provide quick feedback to the team.
The later stages perform various kinds of testing such as acceptance/functional testing and performance testing. These stages are generally slower due to their nature (for example, functional tests that hit the UI of the application are expected to be slower than the unit tests) and may be sequential or parallel depending on the requirements and/or resources available. The later stages also involve deployments to various environments such as the testing environment, against which we run the aforementioned tests, and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environments that might be used for manual testing.
The pipeline will culminate in the deployment of the artifacts to production-like environments such as staging and eventually production itself. Not every stage of a build pipeline is automatically triggered. Deployments to most of the environments outside the environments used for automated testing are probably done manually as and when required. The following diagram shows a high-level view of a build pipeline for a project:
The build stage does the compilation, runs the unit tests, and produces the binaries. The binaries are then deployed into a testing environment for CI purposes. Quick smoke tests are then run to verify that the build is stable. Then, longer acceptance/functional tests are run. All the stages so far were automatic. The pipeline branches into a set of stages performing deployments to various environments such as UAT, staging, and production on one side, and, on the other side, a couple of stages performing performance tests after the pipeline is deployed into a performance environment. Deployment to various environments such as UAT is generally manual and is done as needed. The exact implementation of a build pipeline will vary from project to project and team to team. Typically, there are other dependencies such as libraries that come into the picture, but the overall structure should be similar to this.
The build pipeline, apart from aiding in fast builds and quick feedback, also enables you to ensure that only the builds that have gone through the rigorous testing process are finally deployed into production.
The build pipeline is also called the deployment pipeline.
TeamCity is a CI server from JetBrains and comes with a lot of features out of the box to get you started quickly with CI for your projects.
As a CI server, TeamCity can detect changes in version-control repositories and trigger builds whenever new code is checked in. TeamCity can be configured to perform the build activities, which includes the compilation of source code, running unit tests and integration tests, deploying the built executables into a testing environment to perform functional tests, and exposing artifacts for downloads.
TeamCity is designed to help you follow the best practices of CI. With its ability to download artifacts from another build configuration, for example, TeamCity enables you to follow the approach of build once and deploy everywhere. TeamCity is feature-rich and flexible enough to allow you to follow the practices that suit your team and your needs the best.
This book will be using TeamCity 8.0.x, but we will also be looking at some of the newer features of the 8.1.x release.