Time for action—setting up and using the WordPress app
Let's start by installing and setting up the app. Perform the following steps for doing so:
1. Before we install the WordPress app, we have to enable it via the WordPress admin—this means enabling the XML-RPC publishing protocol, which the app uses.
2. In the Settings menu, we will click on Writing to see the Writing Settings screen, as shown in the following screenshot:
3. We will select the Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols checkbox next to XML-RPC and click on Save Changes.
4. The next step is to download the app to our mobile device. The process for this will depend on the device. You can find information about the different apps and links to download them at http://wordpress.org/extend/mobile/.
5. Having installed the app, we need to add our site to it. We will launch the app to see the opening screen. In this case, we're working on the iPhone app, as shown in the following screenshot...