The noise-to-image sampling process
Here are the steps to sample an image from the model, or, in other words, generate an image from the reverse diffusion process:
- Generate a complete Gaussian noise with a mean of 0 and a variance of 1:
x T ∼ 𝒩(0,1)
We will use this noise as the starting image.
2. Loop through t = T to t = 1. In each step, if t > 1, then generate another Gaussian noise image z:
z ∼ 𝒩(0,1)
If t = 1, then the following occurs:
z = 0
Then, generate a noise from the UNet model, and remove the generated noise from the input noisy image x t:
x t-1 = 1 _ √ _ α t (x t − 1 − α t _ √ _ 1 − _ α t ϵ θ(x t, t)) + √ _ 1 − α t z
If we take a look at the preceding equation, all those α&...