Overview of the Sequencer interface
In UE, we're going to use Sequencer to animate our animation rigs. The Sequencer Animation Keyframe and Animation Curve tools are very similar to the ones you find in other 3D animation software. However, you might ask what keyframes and curves are in 3D animation.
Before I teach you exactly what they are, I'm first going to show you how to open the Sequencer, add the Alien Plant rig, and give you a basic overview of the interface.
Opening the Sequencer and adding the Alien Plant animation rig
To have our Alien Plant Control Rig in Sequencer, follow these steps:
- Open the saved project with the Alien Plant Animation Rig in it.
We also provide the completed Alien Plant Control Rig in the final project file, which can be downloaded here with installation instructions: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Unreal-Engine-5-Character-Creation-Animation-and-Cinematics/tree/main/FullFinalUE5Project. The Alien Plant Control...