Favor simple solutions
Sadly, you're going to run into developers who write complicated, impenetrable code or blueprints in a mistaken effort to impress everyone else with how smart they are. They're secretly fantasizing that someone else is going to look over their shoulder at their unreadable code and think, Wow! They must be so smart! I can't read any of that. Please, oh please, don't be this developer.
The experienced developers whose respect you really want won't be impressed by a shambolic blueprint or obfuscated code. They'll wonder why you left it in such a mess and assume that it's because you didn't know any better. Amateurs write unreadable code. Pros know they're going to have to maintain it a year from now when they've forgotten everything about it, and they don't want to make that job any harder than it has to be.
You'll know you're doing it well if your make it right draft is simpler and cleaner than your make it work draft was.