Time for action – What condition my condition was in
We already have a Kismet action to check the level of the player's weapon, but what if we had a custom Condition to check whether the player's weapon was at max level or not? Let's do it!
Create a new file in our
folder calledAwesomeSeqCond_IsWeaponMaxLevel.uc
.Now open the new file in ConTEXT. First we'll declare the class and write up a few default properties:
class AwesomeSeqCond_IsWeaponMaxLevel extends SequenceCondition; defaultproperties { ObjName="Is Weapon Max Level" ObjCategory="Awesome Game" OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="True") OutputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="False") }
By default SequenceCondition classes don't have any variable links, so we don't need to empty out that array or add any of our own.
You will notice though that we're adding two OutputLinks
. Normally all SequenceOp classes have the first one defined by that class's default properties:
Here we...