Importing SWF content to UDK
Once you have made some SWF cursors, buttons, menu content and so on, you'll want to try it out in UDK. UDK allows users to run a commandlet (gfximport)
external to the editor. This process assumes your content is in the correct relative file structure, as it should be, which has been discussed in previous recipes. So if you wanted to bring in your Mouse.SWF
and your EasyButton.SWF
you'd type in the windows
Run command line
C:\UDK\~\UDKGame\Binaries\Win64>UDKGame.exe gfximport UI\Mouse.SWF\EasyButton.SWF
and all the subfolders involved would be parsed into UDK, to a package saved as C:\UDK\~\UDKGame\Content\Gfx\UI
. Naturally this is like an express service.
Let's assume that you want to take a more hands-on role in handling your belongings, and will import content yourself.
How to do it...
If you didn't already, in Windows, make a folder in the
path of your UDK installation called YourfolderUI. That's where your Mouse.SWF and MyButton.SWF...