The process of explaining Kismet in this chapter includes some formatting that you will want to get used to. Nodes in Kismet, that carry actions and events, are formatted as follows: Event. Properties of those nodes, and menu choices are formatted as follows: Property. Values that you type in property fields or unique names we've assigned things will be formatted as follows: field name.
Kismet lets us tell game actors how to behave in relation to each other and the player. The editor is a canvas on which to construct a network of connected nodes. It has a Properties window which exposes properties for the selected node, and a Sequences window for navigating layers of the canvas created using Sub-Sequences.
In this chapter we give essential explanations that will allow you to set up your own Kismet, and cover common cases of Kismet-driven functionality in UDK that many games leverage frequently. In the next chapter we cover more challenging examples.