Up to now in this chapter, we've been using the XR ray interactor on hand controllers to interact with the UI. In the previous chapter, we learned that there other kinds of interactors, including a direct interactor. To implement the ability to reach out and directly touch an object in your scene, rather than cast a ray, you could use a direct interactor instead of a ray interactor.
This implementation may change if XRI adds support for UI objects with the direct interactor. Presently, I have described a workaround.
Let's see what it will take to change our UI to support direct interactions with the toggle button. The direct interactor works by using physics colliders to detect when the hand is touching an interactable object. Let's switch to that now and see what happens. (We'll work on a copy so its easy to switch back if you want:)
- In Hierarchy, select RightHand Controller (under XR Rig...