Overview of popular orchestrators
At the time of writing, there are many orchestration engines out there and in use, but there are a few clear winners. The number one spot is clearly held by Kubernetes, which reigns supreme. A distant second is Docker’s own SwarmKit, followed by others such as Apache Mesos, AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS), and Microsoft Azure Container Service (ACS).
Kubernetes was originally designed by Google and later donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Kubernetes was modeled after Google’s proprietary Borg system, which has run containers on a supermassive scale for years. Kubernetes was Google’s attempt to go back to the drawing board, completely start over, and design a system that incorporates all the lessons that were learned with Borg.
Contrary to Borg, which is proprietary technology, Kubernetes was open sourced early on. This was a very wise choice by Google since it attracted a huge number...