Summarizing our journey thus far
We have covered quite a bit of ground in this book.
Our path started off with looking at the challenges that the journey to the cloud has thrown at organizations and why – with edge making its way in every industry – we can’t continue the same way we started off our journey to the cloud. We urged leadership to stay away from confusing marketing slogans such as cloud-first strategy and explained why we have this stance.
We demystified terms such as strategy, tactics, mission, vision, goals, capability, and objectives and explained how they relate to each other.
We then revisited research on organizational cultures completed by Dr. Ron Westrum and how to create performance-oriented cultures. We did this because it is the reason why we chose the workshop practices we outline in this book. And to be precise, this in turn is to help create a culture with a high level of collaboration, information sharing, and open communication...