Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that has become synonymous with handling high-throughput, real-time data feeds. Kafka is designed to be durable, fast, and scalable, making it an ideal choice for implementing both pub/sub and queue-based messaging patterns. Before we get into the details, let us recap some core concepts of Kafka:
- Topics: In Kafka, records are published to a category called topics, to which many consumers subscribe.
- Producers and consumers: In Kafka, producers publish the data. Consumers read that data. This data is published and read from topics. Kafka’s power lies in allowing producers and consumers to scale independently in a decoupled manner.
- Brokers: Kafka clusters consist of one or more servers known as brokers, which are responsible for maintaining published data, managing subscribers, tracking consumption offsets, and fanning out data to consumers on demand.
- Partitions and replication: Each topic can be split...