Who this book is for
This book is primarily for those who write code; we believe it is particularly useful for those who have been doing it for a short time, but even experienced professionals sometimes forget how to do certain things – or perhaps think that the context doesn’t allow for alternative approaches. We bring no secret recipes, no magic formula, just a compendium of the main techniques and tricks for refactoring your code, writing clean code, and above all, understanding if something is wrong and fixing it. We also try to avoid ending up in unpleasant situations with small adjustments to implement every day. All in one book.
Our job is very complex, much more than it seems, and this complexity is challenging to convey to those who don’t speak our slang; there are many aspects to consider, and there are several variables at play, both technical and not. Even after the end of a course of study, one often begins to face the world of work having to learn many other new things.
This is a book that I would have wanted when I started my career: a sort of map of a very vast and, for many, still unexplored territory.