Interfacing the stepper motor
In this section, we will discuss interfacing a stepper motor with the Raspberry Pi Pico using the DRV8833 Stepper Motor Driver. This will enable us to build a display where the stepper motor will point to the corresponding air quality category.
Motor Selection
For this project, we chose a stepper motor that is used in automotive gauges. This is because the motor has a total movement range of 315°. It also comes with a needle that is useful in building our visual aid. Motor selection for an application involves several factors. We recommend the following article from SparkFun:
The first step is to wire up the stepper motor driver to the Raspberry Pi Pico. Figure 7.21 shows the connections of the stepper motor driver to the Pico. The stepper motor driver is connected as follows where the left-hand side of the arrow refers to a pin available on the Raspberry Pi Pico while the right refers to a pin on the DRV8833 stepper...