At the Singapore Fintech Festival in November 2018, Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, delivered a keynote speech. He mentioned that start-ups used jargon such as Blockchain to increase their valuation with investors. Never in the past thirty years have I seen an Indian political leader pay attention to innovative trends. It may be an indication of the maturity of the Indian start-up ecosystem, but it is also due to the focus that the government devotes to technology
Governments and governance have been a brick and mortar story for centuries. Digitizing government offices and processes hasn't been high on the agenda for most nation states. However, that has changed in the past 10 years. With countries like Estonia, Dubai, Georgia, India, and Singapore exploring several digital initiatives, we are certain to see several leapfrog moments and case studies that can be replicated elsewhere.
Voter behavior has never been as well understood...