The internet
The rise of the internet is well documented across the internet itself. However, I feel it would be a good start to understand some of the transitions technology has had over the last 50 years in order to get to the data-rich age we live in today. The internet was preceded by the invention and the spread of devices like transistors, the telephone, radio, and computers. An attempt to connect computers to share and broadcast information and collaborate was what led to the internet. It all began with the ARPANET.
In 1962, J.C.R. Licklider of MIT wrote a series of memos describing the interactions that could happen on a network and termed it the Galactic Network. The other breakthrough in thinking happened when Leonard Kleinrock at MIT, came up with the theory that communication using packets instead of circuits was the way forward. This inspired the work of Lawrence G. Roberts, who developed the plan for ARPANET and published it in 1967. As a result...