A race against time
The internet, despite its challenges, has largely worked well for us. It has been a major building block in helping economies across the world prosper. The cost of accessing the internet has fallen drastically across the world. For instance, in India alone, the number of people accessing mobile internet has grown from about 242 million in 2015 to 451 million at the end of 2019. Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/558610/number-of-mobile-internet-user-in-india/
Mobile penetration has created leapfrog moments across the world in the past. Mobile internet penetration has taken it one step further. For instance, Africa was able to see mobile payments scale like never before through M-Pesa. This wouldn't have happened without mobile penetration. China took it one step further as mobile internet penetration led to a payments boom with Alipay and WeChat. These two firms contributed over 90% of the $40 trillion worth of mobile transactions in China...