Section Access gotchas
When setting up Section Access, there are a few common things that can lead to failure. A failure in Section Access can be more upsetting when you find that you can no longer open your QlikView document.
In this recipe, we will create a few of these errors and show how to resolve them.
Getting ready
Load the following script:
//Section Access; Access: LOAD * INLINE [ ACCESS, USERID, PASSWORD, Link ADMIN, admin, admin, * USER, user1, user1, US USER, user2, user2, UK USER, user3, user3, Fr ]; Section Application; Sales: Load * Inline [ Link, Country, Sales US, USA, 1000 UK, United Kingdom, 800 Fr, France, 750 De, Germany, 940 ];
Save this document as Security1.qvw
and reload.
How to do it…
Add the USERID and Country fields to the layout:
Confirm that each user is associated with the values that are expected (the admin user will not be associated with any country – this is expected).
Save the document as
. Edit the script and uncomment the...