The Ttk widget set
In Chapter 1, Introduction to Tkinter, we created a survey application using the default Tkinter widgets. These widgets are perfectly functional and still used in many Tkinter applications, but modern Tkinter applications tend to prefer an improved set of widgets called Ttk. Ttk is a sub-module of Tkinter that provides themed versions of many (but not all) Tkinter widgets. These widgets are mostly identical to the traditional widgets but provide advanced styling options in an aim to look more modern and natural on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
On each platform, Ttk includes platform-specific themes that mimic the platform's native widgets. In addition, Ttk adds a few extra widgets that offer functionality not found in the default library.
Although this chapter will cover the basic usage of Ttk widgets, full coverage of the fonts, colors, and other style customization for Ttk widgets can be found in Chapter 9, Improving the Look with Styles and...