Case study introduction
In this case study, you will use ArcPy to create a custom map series displaying Census Block Group data along AC Transit Transbay bus routes.
In the summer of 2020, due to COVID-19, many Transbay bus routes were suspended, leaving limited service from Alameda and Contra Costa County to San Francisco. You are working with a group on a preliminary Environmental Justice study to see if one of the lines that was suspended had a disproportionate impact on minority communities. You have been asked to produce a series of maps that highlight the block groups along the route of one bus line that have a higher-percentage minority population than that of block groups along the routes that were not suspended.
In addition to highlighting those block groups, the population of each race group in the selected block group needs to be displayed as a dot density map and a table included on the figure that contains the percentage of each race group.
This requires...