Here come the dancers
The final task for our mission is to add the disco dance floor we just created to the sketch from Project 2, The Stick Figure Dance Company. We will replace the boring gray dance floor our dancers are currently using with the awesome visualizers we have created in this mission.
We are going to use the metaData
object we can get from a Minim player to display the title of the currently played MP3 file.
Engage Thrusters
Let's add our dancers:
The first thing we need to do for this task is copy all the visualizer classes from the previous sketch to the stick figure dance company sketch from our previous project. So, we open both the "visualizers" sketch from the previous task and the final sketch from the previous project.
We save the stick figure dance company sketch under a different name by navigating to File | Save As.
Now we switch to the "visualizer" sketch and open the sketch folder by navigating to Sketch | Show Sketch Folder.
Select all the files in this folder except...