Chapter 7. I Really Like Those Hand-drawn Prezis
Maybe you have seen those really nice hand-drawn prezis and you were wondering how they were made? Did you ever think of creating them yourself?
We hear you say, "I can't draw." Well, we know you can. You might not be the greatest artist, but that's not necessary. We'll draw only simple objects. Drawings will help your audience to understand and remember your story. As children, visual thinking was natural to us. It's not lost, let's use it.
In this project, you'll see a few examples of hand-drawn prezis. You'll also find them on
The first example is a prezi of TrendSketcher Anna Luise Sulimma. She created this for her speech on Prezi Day 2013.

The second example shows a prezi created for the Dutch Gymnastics Union:

The third example is from learning futurist Maria Andersen's The Future of Working: