Using scaffolding tools such as Plaster
If we are working long-term on a module, or collaborating with other people, then it’s a really good idea to use a framework that splits everything up into separate files and assets. This is where a scaffolding tool comes in. My choice of tool is Plaster, a module that was originally produced by Microsoft but is now maintained by PowerShell.Org, one of the most prolific online PowerShell communities.
Plaster uses a template file that consists of a manifest (similar to the module manifest) and a set of content files and directories. The template is written in XML and is highly customizable. The manifest has three sections:
- Metadata, which contains information about the template, such as its name, version, and author
- Parameters, which defines choices that the user can make about their module structure – what files and folders to create and include
- Content, which specifies the actions that Plaster will perform &...