Creating your own reports
You can create any of the reports described earlier under User Defined Reports, either by copying them and then making modifications, or by starting from scratch. Defining your own reports also means that you can query instance data in your application or project. If you run certain queries regularly, they are well-suited to be stored as reports.
User-defined report styles include basic tabular reports, charting, and master-detail reports. In this section, we will use the HR sample schema to demonstrate how to build your own reports. You can use the techniques described to build more complex reports.
Getting started
The first time you use the SQL Developer Reports navigator, the User Defined Reports folder will be available and initially empty. You can populate the folder using a number of approaches, for example:
- Importing existing reports that were previously created
- Copying a report
- Creating a report from scratch
Regardless of the approach used, it is advisable to...