Testing JMS with soapUI
We have already seen soapUI being used for Web Services testing. In this recipe, we will demonstrate how soapUI can also be used for testing JMS-based interfaces.
We will use the solution from the recipe Accessing JMS Transport message headers and properties in message flow, which implemented a proxy service consuming from the SourceQueue of the OSB Cookbook standard environment. In that recipe, we have used the WebLogic console and replace it now in this recipe by soapUI.

The advantage of using soapUI for testing is the persistence of the different test cases and by that the possibility to automate tests. This is not achievable through the console, and also QBrowser shown in the previous recipe cannot be used for automating tests.
Getting ready
Download and install the latest version of soapUI ( soapUI 4.0 at the time of writing) from here: http://www.soapui.org. Make sure that you also select and install HermesJMS when asked by the soapUI installer.
Import the finished...