You have learned a five-layer framework. Typically, organizations do not pay sufficient attention to the second level and jump straight from Level 1 (context) to Level 3 (implementation). Level 2 (strategy) requires the organization to slow down in order to speed up.
You have learned that the context of any set of actions is more significant than the content. What is the context for deploying ProVision® in your organization? Context precedes strategy, and strategy precedes implementation.
You have also learned that the business may have a different context to your personal one. The business may not have an understanding that ProVision® is an enterprise tool. ProVision® is a good enterprise solution. Before developing a strategy, first document your personal and business context for implementing ProVision® and get agreement on the business context.
You now understand the key parts of a strategy document. The strategy document consists of six sections that are described in more detail in the following chapters:
Making a business case
Using a Framework
Adopting a Methodology
Implementing effective Governance
Understanding the Toolset
The initial project will be to gather core information that will be required irrespective of what the second and subsequent project is.
Good project management methodology suggests that, before the project starts, you define the outputs, the outcomes, and the measures by which you will know if you have completed the work successfully.
You now have a business case, an agreed framework, methodology, and governance structure. You have created repositories and developed a process by which you can publish your models. You have populated the repository with key components that will be used again and again.
You now have a bare bones repository of information about your business.
Each project you model from now on needs to be critical, in the eyes of senior management, and related to the previous projects. In this way, much of the information that would normally need to be gathered is already populated.