Leveraging the Catalyst Knowledge Hub
The Catalyst Knowledge Hub is a searchable document store that contains MuleSoft curated assets and content for use on Catalyst engagements. Earlier in this chapter, we described Catalyst as an accelerator and an approach to delivering successful enterprise integration projects; it is not a project or architecture methodology.
In addition to the playbooks and delivery approaches found in Catalyst, MuleSoft has a GitHub account with, at the time of this writing, 158 repos. These repos contain implementation examples of patterns, ranging from a functional monitoring demo to a metrics toolkit to a circuit breaker policy. The account and repo do not require a MuleSoft license to browse and use. The GitHub account is open to anyone looking for examples, demos, and starting frameworks to start their project development with. It can be found here: https://github.com/orgs/mulesoft-catalyst/repositories.
One way to leverage the Catalyst Knowledge...