The Glossary activity is one of the most underrated activities of Moodle. On the surface, a glossary is a list of words and definitions that students can access. However, a course creator allows students to add entries to a Glossary. This transforms the glossary from a static list of vocabulary words to a collaborative tool for learning purposes.
A text filter called auto linking creates links to glossary entries in your course. When this is turned on by a site administrator, whenever a word from a Glossary appears in the course, it's highlighted. Clicking on the word brings up a popup window with the word's Glossary entry. The Glossary entry can consist of text, images, media, and links. It is a miniature page devoted to defining and elucidating the glossary term.
You can use a glossary to build a class directory, a collection of past exam questions, famous quotations, or even an annotated collection of pictures.
Enabling glossaries and auto-linking
There are several places...