Contoso Inc. project team workplace setup
The Contoso Inc. project management team has made themselves familiar with the tools available for Power Platform solution development and has made some preliminary decisions.
Enabling the core project team
The core project team will be equipped with proper licenses and access rights to use the following:
- CDS Maker Portal, along with all designers and studios
- Power BI service
- PVA designer
- Dynamics 365 Customer Voice designer
Contoso Inc. will provide the necessary licenses and configure their System Center Configuration Manager so that they can deploy the following tools onto the workstations of all the core team members of the project:
- Power BI Desktop
- Power BI Builder
- Visual Studio
- Visual Studio Code
- NuGet developer tools and assemblies
- XrmToolBox
- CRM REST Builder
- Easy Repro
- Fiddler
Contoso Inc. will establish an Azure DevOps instance and provide access to all...