Tips for enhancements
There are various options for handling performance with new Fabric artifacts. These can range from improving the model to using different capacities. One thing to keep in mind is that Fabric is a new capacity that will continuously have new features and improvements to the existing resources. There is always a monthly update that needs to be reviewed to understand the new features. Some of these would need to be turned on or off in the Admin portal.
First, let’s look at load balancing.
Load balancing
Each function can be placed into its own capacity. That helps with resource contention and monitoring. Instead of creating one F32 capacity for all the work, you can separate it into multiple capacities. An F16 can be created for data warehousing where moving data is centralized. Dataflows and notebooks can use this capacity for processing lots of data and curating the data into a reportable structure. The semantic model can be on an F8 capacity for...