Working with bulleted and numbered lists
At the beginning of this chapter, a list of this chapter's topics was provided. This list has been bulleted to emphasize the items included so that you, the reader, will take notice of it without suggesting that the list belongs in a specific order. This is usually the purpose of a bulleted list. We could have also numbered the list because the items are being presented in that specific order. Typically, a numbered list is used to denote a sequence of things in a particular order, such as steps in a procedure. We will begin this section by showing you how to create a bulleted list. From there, you will learn how to create a numbered list and a multilevel list.
Creating a bulleted and numbered list
When you want to create a bulleted list, there are two ways to go about it in Word. You can either start by creating a bulleted list first and adding items to it, or you can create a list first and apply a bulleted list style afterward...