Prezi for Android
The Android platform and tablet devices that use it are rapidly starting to catch up to the Apple iPad in terms of popularity. Because of this, we thought it's only fair to give you an idea of how Prezi works on the Android platform as well, just in case you might be looking to use a tablet to present your Prezis soon.
Using Prezi with Android
The Android platform does have an extensive app market place, but there is no Prezi app available yet. "Well that's no good then is it?" we hear you shout. Don't panic, because if you have an android device running Android 3.2 operating system or below, Prezi works perfectly through Androids web browser which means you have full access to and the Your Prezis tab.
Unfortunately if you have a new android device that runs 4.1 Jelly Bean you wont be able to view any Prezis
Stay connected
As long as your Android tablet is connected to the Internet, you will have full access to the entire Prezi website. The downside is that...