Basics of handling data streams
Consider that we connected a mobile device (such as a tablet, phone, MP3 player, and so on) to its charger and plugged it in. The consequences of this can be as follows:
The device's battery starts charging and continues to do so until the occurrence of one of the other options
The device's battery is completely charged and minimal power is drawn by the device to continue running
The device's battery can not be charged due to malfunctioning of the device
Here, the power supply is the source, the device is the sink, while the charger is the channel that enables transfer of energy from the source to the sink. The processing or task performed by the device is that of charging its battery.
Well, this covers most of the Iteratee approach without any of the usual jargon. Simply put, the power supply represents a data source, the charger acts as the Enumerator, and the device as the Iteratee.
Oops, we missed the Enumeratee! Suppose that the energy from a regular power...