Playbook parsing
The whole purpose of an inventory source is to have systems to manipulate. The manipulation comes from playbooks (or in the case of ansible
ad hoc execution, simple single task plays). You should already have a base understanding of playbook construction so we won't spend a lot of time covering that, however, we will delve into some specifics of how a playbook is parsed. Specifically, we will cover the following:
- Order of operations
- Relative path assumptions
- Play behavior keys
- Host selection for plays and tasks
- Play and task names
Order of operations
Ansible is designed to be as easy as possible for a human to understand. The developers strive to strike the best balance between human comprehension and machine efficiency. To that end, nearly everything in Ansible can be assumed to be executed in a top to bottom order; that is the operation listed at the top of a file will be accomplished before the operation listed at the bottom of a file. Having said that, there are a few caveats and even a few ways to influence the order of operations.
A playbook has only two main operations it can accomplish. It can either run a play, or it can include another playbook from somewhere on the filesystem. The order in which these are accomplished is simply the order in which they appear in the playbook file, from top to bottom. It is important to note that while the operations are executed in order, the entire playbook, and any included playbooks, is completely parsed before any executions. This means that any included playbook file has to exist at the time of the playbook parsing. They cannot be generated in an earlier operation.
Within a play, there are a few more operations. While a playbook is strictly ordered from top to bottom, a play has a more nuanced order of operations. Here is a list of the possible operations and the order in which they will happen:
- Variable loading
- Fact gathering
- The
execution - Handlers notified from the
execution - Roles execution
- Tasks execution
- Handlers notified from roles or tasks execution
- The
execution - Handlers notified from
Here is an example play with most of these operations shown:
--- - hosts: localhost gather_facts: false vars: - a_var: derp pre_tasks: - name: pretask debug: msg="a pre task" changed_when: true notify: say hi roles: - role: simple derp: newval tasks: - name: task debug: msg="a task" changed_when: true notify: say hi post_tasks: - name: posttask debug: msg="a post task" changed_when: true notify: say hi
Regardless of the order in which these blocks are listed in a play, this is the order in which they will be processed. Handlers (the tasks that can be triggered by other tasks that result in a change) are a special case. There is a utility module, meta
, which can be used to trigger handler processing at that point:
- meta: flush_handlers
This will instruct Ansible to process any pending handlers at that point before continuing on with the next task or next block of actions within a play. Understanding the order and being able to influence the order with flush_handlers
is another key skill to have when there is a need to orchestrate complicated actions, where things such as service restarts are very sensitive to order. Consider the initial rollout of a service. The play will have tasks that modify config
files and indicate that the service should be restarted when these files change. The play will also indicate that the service should be running. The first time this play happens, the config file will change and the service will change from not running to running. Then, the handlers will trigger, which will cause the service to restart immediately. This can be disruptive to any consumers of the service. It would be better to flush the handlers before a final task to ensure the service is running. This way, the restart will happen before the initial start, and thus the service will start up once and stay up.
Relative path assumptions
When Ansible parses a playbook, there are certain assumptions that can be made about the relative paths of items referenced by the statements in a playbook. In most cases, paths for things such as variable files to include, task files to include, playbook files to include, files to copy, templates to render, scripts to execute, and so on, are all relative to the directory where the file referencing them lives. Let's explore this with an example playbook and directory listing to show where the things are.
- Directory structure:
. ├── a_vars_file.yaml ├── mastery-hosts ├── relative.yaml └── tasks ├── a.yaml └── b.yaml
- Contents of
:--- something: "better than nothing"
- Contents of
:--- - name: relative path play hosts: localhost gather_facts: false vars_files: - a_vars_file.yaml tasks: - name: who am I debug: msg: "I am mastery task" - name: var from file debug: var=something - include: tasks/a.yaml
- Contents of
:--- - name: where am I debug: msg: "I am task a" - include: b.yaml
- Contents of tasks/b.yaml:
--- - name: who am I debug: msg: "I am task b"
Here the execution of the playbook is shown as follows:

We can clearly see the relative reference to paths and how they are relative to the file referencing them. When using roles there are some additional relative path assumptions, however we'll cover that in detail in a later chapter.
Play behavior keys
When Ansible parses a play, there are a few keys it looks for to define various behaviors for a play. These keys are written at the same level as hosts: key
. Here are the keys that can be used:
- any_errors_fatal: This Boolean key is used to instruct Ansible to treat any failure as a fatal error to prevent any further tasks from being attempted. This changes the default where Ansible will continue until all the tasks are complete or all the hosts have failed.
- connection: This string key defines which connection system to use for a given play. A common choice to make here is local, which instructs Ansible to do all the operations locally, but with the context of the system from the inventory.
- gather_facts: This Boolean key controls whether or not Ansible will perform the fact gathering phase of operation, where a special task will run on a host to discover various facts about the system. Skipping fact gathering, when you are sure that you do not need any of the discovered data, can be a significant time saver in a larger environment.
- max_fail_percentage: This number key is similar to
, but is more fine-grained. This allows you to define just what percentage of your hosts can fail before the whole operation is halted. - no_log: This is a Boolean key to control whether or not Ansible will log (to the screen and/or a configured log file) the command given or the results received from a task. This is important if your task or return deal with secrets. This key can also be applied to a task directly.
- port: This is a number key to define what port SSH (or an other remote connection plugin) should use to connect unless otherwise configured in the inventory data.
- remote_user: This is a string key that defines which user to log in with on the remote system. The default is to connect as the same user that
was started with. - serial: This key takes a number and controls how many systems Ansible will execute a task on before moving to the next task in a play. This is a drastic change from the normal order of operation, where a task is executed across every system in a play before moving to the next. This is very useful in rolling update scenarios, which will be detailed in later chapters.
- sudo: This is a Boolean key used to configure whether sudo should be used on the remote host to execute tasks. This key can also be defined at a task level. A second key,
, can be used to configure which user to sudo to (instead of root). - su: Much like sudo, this key is used to su instead of sudo. This key also has a companion,
, to configure which user to su to (instead of root).
Many of these keys will be used in example playbooks through this book.
Host selection for plays and tasks
The first thing most plays define (after a name, of course) is a host pattern for the play. This is the pattern used to select hosts out of the inventory object to run the tasks on. Generally this is straightforward; a host pattern contains one or more blocks indicating a host, group, wildcard pattern, or regex to use for the selection. Blocks are separated by a colon, wildcards are just an asterisk, and regex patterns start with a tilde:
Advanced usage can include group index selection or even ranges within a group:
Each block is treated as an inclusion block, that is, all the hosts found in the first pattern are added to all the hosts found in the next pattern, and so on. However, this can be manipulated with control characters to change their behavior. The use of an ampersand allows an inclusion selection (all the hosts that exist in both patterns). The use of an exclamation point allows exclusion selection (all the hosts that exist in the previous patterns that are NOT in the exclusion pattern):
Webservers:&dbservers Webservers:!dbservers
Once Ansible parses the patterns, it will then apply restrictions, if any. Restrictions come in the form of limits or failed hosts. This result is stored for the duration of the play, and it is accessible via the play_hosts
variable. As each task is executed, this data is consulted and an additional restriction may be placed upon it to handle serial operations. As failures are encountered, either failure to connect or a failure in execute tasks, the failed host is placed in a restriction list so that the host will be bypassed in the next task. If, at any time, a host selection routine gets restricted down to zero hosts, the play execution will stop with an error. A caveat here is that if the play is configured to have a max_fail_precentage
or any_errors_fatal
parameter, then the playbook execution stops immediately after the task where this condition is met.
Play and task names
While not strictly necessary, it is a good practice to label your plays and tasks with names. These names will show up in the command line output of ansible-playbook
, and will show up in the log file if ansible-playbook
is directed to log to a file. Task names also come in handy to direct ansible-playbook
to start at a specific task and to reference handlers.
There are two main points to consider when naming plays and tasks:
- Names of plays and tasks should be unique
- Beware of what kind of variables can be used in play and task names
Naming plays and tasks uniquely is a best practice in general that will help to quickly identify where a problematic task may reside in your hierarchy of playbooks, roles, task files, handlers, and so on. Uniqueness is more important when notifying a handler or when starting at a specific task. When task names have duplicates, the behavior of Ansible may be nondeterministic or at least not obvious.
With uniqueness as a goal, many playbook authors will look to variables to satisfy this constraint. This strategy may work well but authors need to take care as to the source of the variable data they are referencing. Variable data can come from a variety of locations (which we will cover later in this chapter), and the values assigned to variables can be defined at a variety of times. For the sake of play and task names, it is important to remember that only variables for which the values can be determined at playbook parse time will parse and render correctly. If the data of a referenced variable is discovered via a task or other operation, the variable string will be displayed unparsed in the output. Let's look at an example playbook that utilizes variables for play and task names:
--- - name: play with a {{ var_name }} hosts: localhost gather_facts: false vars: - var_name: not-mastery tasks: - name: set a variable set_fact: task_var_name: "defined variable" - name: task with a {{ task_var_name }} debug: msg: "I am mastery task" - name: second play with a {{ task_var_name }} hosts: localhost gather_facts: false tasks: - name: task with a {{ runtime_var_name }} debug: msg: "I am another mastery task"
At first glance, one might expect at least var_name
and task_var_name
to render correctly. We can clearly see task_var_name
being defined before its use. However, armed with our knowledge that playbooks are parsed in their entirety before execution, we know better:

As we can see, the only variable name that is properly rendered is var_name
, as it was defined as a static play variable.