As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
access control list (ACL) 87
alarms 244
Amazon CloudWatch 241, 242
essentials 243
logging with 137
Amazon EBS volumes 192
attaching, to EC2 instance 198-201
performance considerations 193, 194
provisioning 194-198
types 192
use cases 193
Amazon EC2 instances 16
definition 16
launch state 19
lifecycle 19
primary instance families 17, 18
start state 20
stop state 20
terminate state 20
types 17
Amazon EC2 networking 85
connectivity 85
performance 85
scalability and redundancy 85
security 85
Amazon EC2 pricing models 233
On-Demand Instances 233
Reserved Instances 234
savings plans 234, 235
spot instances 235
Amazon ECR
key features 288
overview 287
Amazon ECS
key features 287