This is the third time you can see the AC fallback system working for every single frontend customization component of the framework. It’s used for layout, templates, and even now for LESS files. As you can probably guess, it will be the same in the following chapters as well for JavaScript-related changes. The more you work with the AC framework, the more streamlined this process will be for you. At some point, you won’t even think about it; it will be just like riding a bike.
You should have a full understanding of how to prepare style sheets with AC. You’ve learned about compilation modes (server and client side), mastered the use of the Grunt task runner to compile LESS files into CSS, and understood why generating class maps might help you with debugging.
Extending themes is no longer a challenge, but you must always think of the result of the CSS and its size. Your goal should always be to prepare a minimal CSS file. I’ll share my knowledge...