What this book covers
Chapter 1, Going Shopping with Vue.js, contains an introduction to Vue.js, to the terminology used through the book, and first basic examples.
Chapter 2, Fundamentals – Installing and Using, explains the behind the scenes of Vue.js, provides theoretical insights into the architectural pattern, touches nearly all the main Vue.js concepts, and bootstraps the applications that will be developed through the book.
Chapter 3, Components – Understanding and Using , goes deep into components and explains how to rewrite applications using a simple component system and single-file components.
Chapter 4, Reactivity – Binding Data to Your Application , contains a detailed explanations of the usage of data binding mechanisms in Vue.js.
Chapter 5, Vuex – Managing State in Your Application , contains detailed introduction to Vuex, a state management system for Vue.js, and explains how to use it in your application in order to achieve a nice, maintainable architecture.
Chapter 6, Plugins – Building Your House with Your Own Bricks , shows how to use plugins in Vue applications and explains how to use an existing plugin in an application and explains how to build our own plugin and then use it.
Chapter 7, Testing – Time to Test What We Have Done So Far, contains an introduction to the testing techniques that can be used in Vue applications to bring them to the needed level of quality. We tackle it by showing how to write unit tests and how to develop end-to-end tests for the applications in the book.
Chapter 8, Deploying – Time to Go Live!, shows how to bring your Vue application to the world, guaranteeing its quality with continuous integration tools. It explains how to connect a GitHub repository to the Travis continuous integration system and to the Heroku cloud deployment platform.
Chapter 9, What Is Next, wraps up everything that has been done so far and leaves the reader with the follow up steps.
Appendix, Solutions to Exercises, provides solutions to the exercises for first three chapters.