Understanding SparkR DataFrames
The main component of is a distributed DataFrame called SparkR DataFrames. The Spark DataFrame API is similar to local R DataFrames but scales to large Datasets using Spark's execution engine and the relational query optimizer. It is a distributed collection of data organized into columns similar to a relational database table or an R DataFrame.
Spark DataFrames can be created from many different data sources, such as data files, databases, R DataFrames, and so on. After the data is loaded, developers can use familiar R syntax for performing various operations, such as filtering, aggregations, and merges. SparkR performs a lazy evaluation on DataFrame operations.
Furthermore, SparkR supports many functions on DataFrames, including statistical functions. We can also use libraries such as magrittr to chain commands. Developers can execute SQL queries on SparkR DataFrames using the SQL commands. Finally, SparkR DataFrames can be converted into a local R DataFrame...