This concludes our section on getting started with ClojureScript development. We introduced you to the ClojureScript compiler, demonstrating how it runs on the JVM and leverages the Google Closure Library to optimize compiled JavaScript and provide namespace functionality.
We learned how the ClojureScript compiler can be used to build ClojureScript programs into JavaScript artifacts, how to access these artifacts and, finally, how to interact with them via a REPL targeting different JavaScript environments.
We covered how to use Piggieback in order to expose a JavaScript-enabled nREPL session, how to push the compiled JavaScript via websockets to the browser thanks to Weasel, and how to target Node.js using this setup.
After that, we saw how we could use Figwheel to get a single self-contained Leiningen plugin for developing with the browser. We also learned how to target Node.js using Figwheel.
Finally, we saw how one can use one of these setups with an integrated development environment based on CIDER or inf-clojure
Now that you have your computer configured for ClojureScript development, lets tackle the language properly. In the next chapter, we'll dig into the core of the ClojureScript language.