What determines which tools you can use?
There are two things that determine what geoprocessing tools will be available to you in ArcGIS Pro. The first is your licensing level. The second is what extensions you might have. Let's take a look at these two items and their impact on the geoprocessing tools that will be available for your use.
Licensing levels
If you remember from Chapter 1, Introducing ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Pro has three different licensing levels: Basic, Standard, and Advanced. The license level you have will directly impact the geoprocessing tools you will have access too.
The Basic level is the most limiting license level with the least amount of geoprocessing tools. With this level, you will be able to access simple analysis tools such as Buffer, Union, and Intersect. You will not be able to use tools that allow you to find the closest feature in another layer or that erase overlapping areas between two or more layers.
The Standard level includes a few more geoprocessing tools...