Installing Node.js
Node.js is a platform for running server-side applications built with JavaScript. It is trivial to create a web-server instance, for example, that receives and responds to HTTP requests using callback functions.
Server-side JS isn't exactly the same as its more familiar client-side counterpart, but you'll find a lot of similarities in the same comfortable syntax that you know and love. We won't actually be writing any server-side JavaScript in this project – all we need Node for is to run the Grunt.js build tool.
Prepare for Lift Off
To get the appropriate installer for your platform, visit the Node.js website at and hit the download button. The correct installer for your platform, if supported, should be auto-detected.
Engage Thrusters
Installing Node is a straightforward procedure on either the Windows or Mac platforms as there are installers for both. This task will include running the installer, which is obviously simple, and testing the installation using...